Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dokumenti telesnih ocen in vzrejnega dovoljenja

Dne 6.4.2008 je Kija opravila telesni pregled za pridobitev vzrejnega dovoljenja; oboje je opravila z odliko! Dokumente lahko preberete s klikom nanje!

The translation of Critique (assessment) for breeding license

High: 36,5cm; length: 36cm; teeth: shaped like scissors; completely

Two years old bitch dog, smaller, gently construction. Nice formed skull and occiput, correctly settled and carriage ears, very nice line of crest, neck and back. Excellent engagement tail. She has symmetry angels (proportions). Perfect hair, pigmentation. Hair should be better groomed.

Movement and standing: parallel, movement is flexible and frisky.

Grade (critique): 5 (excellent)

Judges: Mirja Lapajna and Štefan Šinko

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